Geotechnical Engineering
- Geotechnical Analysis & Design:
- Analysis & design of:
- Shallow foundations.
- Deep foundations.
- Side support systems and deep excavation,
for example:
- Berlin walls.
- Diaphragm walls.
- Sheet pile walls.
- Secant pile walls.
- Ground anchors.
- Different dewatering systems.
- Modular retaining systems.
- Soil improvement techniques, for example:
- Geosynthetics/Geogrids and Soil reinforcement.
- Soil nailing.
- Under-pinning.
- Micro piles.
- Analysis and monitoring of structures’ settlements.
- Assessment of structural safety due to geotechnical causes.
- Geotechnical site mapping.
- Reporting method statements for geotechnical construction of underground structures.
- Analysis and selection of soil improvement techniques.
- Geotechnical Site Investigation:
- Boreholes execution – including soil & water sampling.
- Field tests:
- Standard penetration test (SPT).
- Static penetration test (CPT).
- Piezocone (CPTU).
- Dilatometer test.
- Static & dynamic plate bearing tests.
- Geophysical survey.
- Q/C for earthworks.
- Laboratory Soil Examinations:
- All routine tests (classification, atterberg limits, etc…).
- Shear strength tests (direct shear, unconfined compressive strength, triaxial, etc…).
- Settlement prediction tests (consolidation).
- Soil and water chemical analysis tests.
- Tests for subgrade soils underneath pavement section:
- CBR.
- Coefficient of subgrade reaction.
- Standard and modified compaction tests.